Saturday, August 13, 2011

Too. Much. Food!

Ok… I have one thing to say. In Spain, there is SO MUCH FOOD! It is Saturday, 8/13 @ 6:36 right now and I am still too full from lunch. First we had a bowl of soup, then two big pieces of melon with dry meat (which might sound disgusting but it is GU-OOD!), then the main dish (which was like a pepper and lamb... I think... and very good sauce dish), and then we had a huge slice of watermelon (which is TO DIE FOR!), and then we had dessert which was a slice of a cheese cake/tart kind of thing and a 1in x 2in slice of flan (for me, at least –there were other little desserts to choose from)—and that with coffee and milk and sugar, and to top it all off we finished with a Mojito (which was very good –but at that point because I was so full I couldn’t finish it so I took it home with me and am thinking about finishing it now). *sigh*… soooo muuuuuch foooooood!
Here in Spain, there may be a time difference, but there is a totally different schedule as well. People wake up at around 10:00 AM, eat a tiny breakfast, hang out for a while, go out to drink a beer or two before lunch, have lunch, rest for about 3-4 hours, hang out, have dinner (which is fairly tiny compared to lunch—only 2-3 courses…), then get ready to go out and by that time it is almost 11:00. You go out, drink, have fun, dance, talk… I don’t know. It’s strange! I’m getting used to it, though. Last night, I came home at around 4:00 AM. I was the only one in my group to come back so early! I felt pathetic :) haha… but I’m planning on training myself a little bit. It’s going to work out! I’m excited :)
Everyone here is so nice. When you pass someone in the street, it is impolite NOT say something. You can say: “hola,” “buenas,” “hasta luego,” “buenas días,” etc. “Here,” by the way, is La Unilla (I think that’s the name/how it’s spelled), Raquel’s village in Spain. We arrived Thursday night 8/11 after camp ended. It is about 1 hour from Salamanca, Spain and about 3-4 hours from Soncillo, where the camp was.
Anyway, I’ve only gotten one comment. I’d like more so I feel like I’m communicating with you people in the US.

Have a fantastic day!

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