Hey everyone! It's 11:50 in the morning and I'm about half way done with packing! Eeeeek! :/
All of my clothing is packed except my night stuff; my toiletries are packed... mostly... but the outlying objects are all musical! I need to fit sikus (pan flutes), a violin, a music stand, music (books and stuff) into my backpack, but also my computer, books, etc. AHHHHH! Any ideas about how to fit all this stuff in? It's only one backpack.... *sigh*
Wait... i should probably explain myself. As you know, I am traveling to Spain from August 1-19. This is my first international trip ridin' solo! My flight leaves from Chicago on August 1 at 11:10 AM to layover in NYC. I leave NYC and arrive in Madrid, Spain at 7:25 AM on August 2. Jet-lag, much? YES. I'm staying in Madrid for a day and a night and then taking either train or bus (i haven't decided which one is cheaper... that's for the train station...) to Burgos, Spain and then somehow traveling about 45 minutes out of town to a music camp where I will be an assisting teacher in the violin classes. As an aside, many people do not know that I have been studying the violin for almost 11 years and will most likely being going to college for the performing arts. Back to future! I will be at the music camp from August 3-11 (I am arriving 2 days late because I am finishing a performance set of Utopia Limited on July 31... today!) and then possibly travel to Salamanca, Spain with my violin teacher, Raquel Paraiso, who is originally from Spain (so she is the reason why I get to do all of this! :D Thanks Raquel!!!!!), and then go to Raquel's village for about 5 days where there is supposed to be a fiesta!!!!! :) Then I'll travel back to Madrid on August 18 and stay there for a night at Raquel's sister, Lines', apartment and then leave from Madrid at 10:10 AM on August 19 and fly to Atlanta, Georgia. From there I will fly to Chicago and hopefully arrive at 5:32 PM that day. It's lots of jet-lag, but I'm hoping it'll be worth it! Who am I kidding? Of course it will be worth it!
I need to go eat lunch now! I hope that my friends and family follow this blog and with that, follow me to Spain in 2011! I am so excited and if I don't share that excitement with someone, my head will most certainly pop off! :/ Please comment so I know you're listening and you're not leaving me on my own in a foreign country.
If you're reading this, thanks!